Exercises on Subject Verb Agreement for Class 8 Cbse

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of learning English grammar. It is essential to understand how the subject and verb in a sentence should agree in number. When the subject is singular, the verb should be singular, and when the subject is plural, the verb should be plural. It is crucial to teach class 8 CBSE students about the importance of subject-verb agreement because it will help them communicate effectively in writing.

Here are some exercises on subject-verb agreement for class 8 CBSE students:

Exercise 1: Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence.

1. The teacher_____ the students with a new subject.

A) teach

B) teaches

C) taught

2. The cat _____ on the roof.

A) lay

B) lays

C) laid

3. My friends _____ movies on Saturdays.

A) watch

B) watches

C) watched

4. The dog _____ the ball in the park.

A) chase

B) chases

C) chased

5. The athletes _____ medals at the sports meet.

A) win

B) wins

C) won

Exercise 2: Correct the sentences by changing the verb to agree with the subject.

1. The girl in the red dress walk to school every day.

A) walks

B) walked

C) walking

2. The boys plays cricket every evening.

A) play

B) played

C) playing

3. A book and a pen is on the desk.

A) are

B) is

C) be

4. The students in the classroom study hard to pass their exams.

A) studies

B) studied

C) studying

5. The cake and ice cream were served at the party.

A) was

B) were

C) is

Exercise 3: Make the verb agree with the subject in each sentence.

1. The team of players _____ excited about the upcoming match.

A) is

B) are

2. Ten dollars _____ not enough to buy the new book.

A) is

B) are

3. The collection of stamps _____ interesting to me.

A) is

B) are

4. My family _____ going on vacation this summer.

A) is

B) are

5. The group of birds _____ in the tree.

A) is

B) are

In conclusion, it is important to teach class 8 CBSE students about subject-verb agreement. These exercises will help them develop better writing skills and communicate effectively in English. By mastering subject-verb agreement, students will be able to express themselves clearly and confidently.

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