Blank to That Agreement Crossword Clue

Crossword puzzles are a fun and challenging way to exercise your mind, but sometimes even the most skilled crossword solver can get stumped on a particularly difficult clue. One such challenging crossword clue is “blank to that agreement.” If you`re finding yourself scratching your head over this puzzle, don`t worry – we`ve got you covered.

First, let`s break down the clue. The word “that” indicates that the answer is referring to a specific agreement, and the word “blank” suggests that the answer is a word or phrase that is missing or unknown. So, what could the missing word be?

One possible answer is “party.” In legal terminology, a party to an agreement refers to a person or group who is involved in the agreement. For example, in a contract between two companies, each company would be a party to the agreement. So, if the missing word is “party,” the clue would read “party to that agreement.”

Another possible answer is “signatory.” A signatory is a person or organization that signs or agrees to a document, such as a contract or treaty. If the missing word is “signatory,” the clue would read “signatory to that agreement.”

Of course, there may be other words or phrases that fit the clue, but “party” and “signatory” are two of the most likely answers. When solving crossword puzzles, it`s important to consider all possible meanings of a clue and think creatively to find the answer.

In summary, the crossword clue “blank to that agreement” likely refers to a person or organization that is involved in or has agreed to a specific agreement. “Party” and “signatory” are two possible answers that fit the clue, but there may be other solutions to consider as well. Keep your mind sharp and happy puzzling!

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